A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Control Theory

Date    :  January 22nd 2024
Time     :  8 a.m.  –  11 a.m.
Venue :  On Zoom

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This mini-course explores the fundamental relationship between mathematics and control theory, which is a critical aspect of modern engineering. It provides an overview of the key concepts and techniques used in control theory, including feedback systems, stability analysis, and optimal control. The course is designed to equip participants with an understanding of the mathematical foundations of control theory and its practical applications in a range of engineering disciplines.

Lecture I

Title: 2D Linear Systems and Stability of Critical Points

Lecture II

Title: Lyapunov Stability Analysis

Lecture III

Title: Control Theory for Linear Systems

Dr. Pushpi Paranamana

Saint Mary's College, IN

International Conference on
Computational and
Mathematical Modelling


Centre for Mathematical Modelling
Faculty of Science
University of Colombo
Sri Lanka

Phone : 0112 782 828

Email : cmm@maths.cmb.ac.lk